Saturday, November 30, 2013

Stretching Exercises: Take a Break (Without Leaving Your Desk!)

Sitting at your desk all day may get the work done, but it’s not doing any favors for your health. If you’re stuck in a cubicle most of the day, it’s important to give your body—and your mind—a break.  A few stretches and simple exercises, easily done without leaving your desk, should do the trick.
I found the below interesting and would like to share with you all.  Hope this helps.
More information can be found at Stretching exercises

A Couple More Things…
Take a Walk
We’re all entitled to a break once in while.  Even if you lunch at your desk, take 5 to 10 minutes to walk around the office building, up and down a flight of stairs, or even around the cubicle block. You’ll be surprised how much a short walk can clear the brain.

Give your eyes a rest!
Staring at a computer monitor all day is fatiguing and stressful on your eyes. Optometrists recommend giving your eyes a break every 20 minutes. So if you realize you’ve been staring at the screen too long, consciously look out a window at a far off object, or even a picture on your cubicle wall. Anything that allows your eyes to focus on something more distant will benefit your eye health.

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